
She Builds A Biz


We help Realtors, Mortgage Brokers, Financial Advisors and other commission-based business owners be seen online and grow their business locally.

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Email Marketing, Notion, & A Business Playlist

The Mad Media Monday Bulletin Hey Reader I know, I know... I promised to reach out more. Life of a start-up I say... the past few weeks involved a migration of our website from Squarespace to Wordpress after I experienced a major DNS issue (my emails would only come and go to some people, and my site was only visible to some countries, or parts of some countries... what a mess). Migrating a site is a pain and I hope you never need to do it! I am still updating as I go, but finally feel like I...

The Mad Monday Bulletin: Google cracks down websites that lean on AI Content, Email anti-spam update & Google Trends

The Mad Media Monday Bulletin Happy Monday, dream chasers! I hope this Monday finds you energized and ready to tackle the week. Let's dive into the latest news and trends affecting your online presence and marketing strategies. Marketing Insights Google Update: Navigating the AI-Content Landscape The recent Google update has sent ripples across the world of bloggers and content creators. Google has made it clear: high-quality, unique content that genuinely benefits users remains the ultimate...

The Short-form vs Long-form Video Challenge & Battle of The Workflow Systems - The MM Bulletin

The Mad Media Monday Bulletin Hope you had a smashing last part of the last week, and got some serious planning & work done for your dream! And I scheduled my newsletter to make sure it came out in time. Do you know how much I appreciate you? Marketing Insights Let’s talk about short-form vs. long-form videos. My challenge has started, where I am posting short-form content on YouTube and Instagram to see how it performs in my niche against my long-form content. And I know short-form videos...

The MM Bulletin - Late, Confessions & Intel on the ChatGPT & Gemini Showdown I had

The Mad Media Monday Wednesday Bulletin Okay, confession and apologies! I have been missing in action for weeks and I am so sorry! And you know I don't usually go on about me if you have been around for a bit, so I do thank you for listening to me whine, and know I am truly sorry for being absent ... please forgive me 🙏 First, I am going to admit I got in my head, and in a bad headspace. See, a someone after getting my free Notion downloads, decided to report me to Google as spam. I first had...

Your Mad Media Monday Newsletter - Valentines, Superbowl & Email Marketing, Oh My!

The Mad Media Monday Bulletin Hello Reader Welcome to February! I’m excited to share some more updates with you, and also get into some fun marketing ideas going into this time of year. Marketing Insights I’m not the biggest V Day fan, but it is an awesome opportunity to boost your sales. As February unfolds and love fills the air, Valentine's Day provides a perfect way to connect with your audience, increase brand visibility, and create some great customer engagement. One effective way to...

Your Mad Media Monday Newsletter For Jan 29th, 2024

The Mad Media Monday Bulletin Hello Reader! Hope you had a fabulous week! Week two of my re-brand is going well and I have even learned new things (see below, on my chatbot experience). And this week is my birthday, so I am actually taking a “Me Day” where I can putter and do whatever I want that day. In previous years I often found myself in bookstores, out for breakfast or lunch with a friend, and dinner with family. I love puttering and supporting my local businesses when I can. So you...

Mad Media Monday - Your First Newsletter Has Arrived

The Mad Media Monday Bulletin Hello Reader! Welcome to the first Newsletter! And I am going to apologize for the length of the “update” section today. It is long, and I promise they won’t be like this in the future, but this is a big week… Newsletter launch ✅ and the even bigger news… 😲 So, to jump right in, this last week was a whirlwind here. I am about 80% through a complete company rebrand…. YES, in less than a week. Actually it has been 3 days as I write this. I am tired… yeesh! However,...

We help Realtors, Mortgage Brokers, Financial Advisors and other commission-based business owners be seen online and grow their business locally.

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